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Don’t want to pay for shipping? Pick up now available - Hamilton, ON
You are so loved and I'm so happy you're here on this journey with us.
Don’t want to pay for shipping? Pick up now available - Hamilton, ON
You are so loved and I'm so happy you're here on this journey with us.
Don’t want to pay for shipping? Pick up now available - Hamilton, ON
You are so loved and I'm so happy you're here on this journey with us.
Aloura first started as a safe space for myself before it became one for others too. And I find it's truly hard to find something like that these days, especially online.
Aloura brings together those who can relate to our stories, experiences, and purpose. And it has given me the privilege of connecting with so many new, incredibly kind people with the biggest of hearts.
Our goal with our pieces has always been to share a positive message, making the hard times feel beautiful, and overall finding ways to lift others when they need it most (whether we know it or not). You are not alone.
Meet our new collection that's sporty but still has a touch of aloura.
The back of the sweatshirts have a quote that says "your future you needs you". A simple and gentle reminder to keep going, to keep pushing through, your future you deserves it. To those that read the back of your sweatshirts were truly meant to here it at that exact moment - be that reminder to others.
I am so proud to say that Aloura is not only a safe space but a place where kind hearts meet. Good things happen to those with a kind heart. Keep being you.